When you turn into dust,
why do you think my dust is
different than yours or
your G_d is different than mine?
My flesh and dust are utilized by
the same forces that govern the world
today, tomorrow and any day thereafter.
Actually, my flesh and dust are devoured
so that the table of future generations is
being filled again and again with our
recycled bodies.
The pain and sorrow that I feel today is
not much different from yours and any other
person who will ever inhabit this world,
or has ever inhabited it.
So too love and joy that we all want the most
and too often experience only for a very short time.
Let me tell you. My love is as precious as yours and
so are too my pains and my sorrows.
And to not forget the almighty spirit which gave
birth to all of existence.
In my humble opinion, that is the most precious,
undifferentiated entity that exists in this world.
© 2017 MUSE (Ute Sonja Elisabeth Medley)